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Many thanks to our generous sponsors.  


The Jewish Community Orchestra is a non-profit section 503(c)(3) corporation.  If you wish to become a sponsor, please Contact Us.

Here are some our sponsorship ideas. If you think of something else, we welcome suggestions.

Opportunity Entire Season Single Concert
Season Sponsor
Sponsor the orchestra for a full season and see your name in lights. Every poster, mailing, publicity notice, advertisement, program, and the JCO website, will read <Your Name> presents The Jewish Community Orchestra.
Concert Sponsor
The concert poster, mailing, publicity notices, programs, and JCO website will read <concert name and date> sponsored by <Your Name>.
Young Artist Concert Assistant Sponsor
Help sponsor the Young Artist Concert.
Conductor’s Podium Sponsor $6,000.00 $1,500.00
Concert Music Sponsor
Assist the orchestra with a music purchase for an individual work or concert.
$250.00 one item
Concertmaster Chair Sponsor
Sponsor the principal first violinist chair.
$1,400.00 $350.00
Chair Sponsor
Sponsor an orchestra chair in any section of your choosing
Guest Soloist Sponsor   $500.00 - $,1000.00
Hall sponsor
Sponsor the orchestra's concert venue at the MJCC.
$4,000.00 $1,000.00

Please print out this page, fill out the form, and mail it to us. Thanks!


I support the Jewish Community Orchestra’s mission of providing enjoyable
music to the Jewish and surrounding communities of the Portland Metro area.


Enclosed find my tax-deductible gift of:

$50     $75     $100     $___________
Name: ____________________________________________________________________





Jewish Community Orchestra
P.O. Box 25114
Portland, OR  97298